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Mahaguru Srimanta Sankaradeva and Maharashtra's Sant Eknath (Part II) from Admin's blog

by Rohit Venkateshwaran

(Continued from part I)

भकततपरेमइनिचिन्तोहोआन ll १८२९
I forever am enshrined in the heart of My devotees. Devotees, forever are enshrined in My Heart! My devotees think of nothing but Me, and I, nothing but them!"


Now compare the above with Abhang 2622 from Sant Eknath's collection. The language is nectarine Marathi: 


शहाणातोजाणरे l उद्धवाआत्मत्वेपाहेरे
नेणतातोजाणरे l उद्धवादेहबुद्धिसवाहेरे ll
उद्धवम्हणेकान्होबासांगरे l गोडागोडागोष्टीस्वभावरे
निजगोडागोष्टीऐकता l चित्तचैतन्यफांवेरे ll
सज्ञानतोचिरेउद्धवा l ज्याचीजाणीवविरे
अज्ञानतोचिरेउद्धवा l ज्ञानगर्वेहुंबरे ll
साधुतोचिरेउद्धवा l जोसद्वस्तुतेंदावी
असाधुतोचिरेउद्धवा l देहीप्रपंचीगोवी ll
धरमिष्ठतोचिरेउद्धवा l जोजन्ममरणनिवारी
अधर्मीतोचिरेउद्धवा l लोभदंभशरीरीं ll

Krishna says, "He is wise O' Uddhava, who sees the Self in all. He is unwise O' Uddhava who his attached to his body." Uddhava tells Krishna, "Kanhoba, every word of Yours is sweet, such is Your very nature! Now tell me how to develop Love for You, that will awaken my heart!" Krishna then began: "He is knowledgeable O Uddhava, whose knowledge dissolves in Me! He is ignorant O' Uddhava, who prides in his bookish knowledge! He is a sage O' Uddhava, who shows the way to God, while he is evil, O' Uddhava who drowns in worldly, bodily pleasures and pains. He is an upholder of Dharma, O' Uddhava, who gets free from the cycle of birth, death and reincarnation. He is an adharmi, O' Uddhava, who harbours greed and pride in his body!


सुखतेजाणरेउद्धवा l जेथेमीतूपणनुरे
दु:खतेजाणरेउद्धवा l कामसुखासीझुरे ll
शमतोजाणरेउद्धवा l ज्याचीआत्मत्वेबुद्धि
दमतोजाणरेउद्धवा l जोत्यागीउपाधी ll
धृतीचीधारणारेउद्धवा l जिव्हाउपस्थजिंके
सोलीवकरंटातोचिरेउद्धवा l जिव्हाउपस्थीआटके ll
तपतेंजाणरेउद्धवा l नित्यनामस्मरण
अभागीतोचिरेउद्धवा l नामींविन्मुखपण ll
बळियाबळिष्ठतोचिरेउद्धवा l निजमानसीजिंकणे
नपुंसकतोचिरेउद्धवा l मनामागेधावणे ll

Happiness O' Uddhava, is when feelings of "me and you" dissolve! Sorrow O' Uddhava, is entanglement in lust! Peace, O' Uddhava is in Self realisation. Sense-control O' Uddhava, is in detachment from all sorts of pride and status. Determination/Perseverence O' Uddhava, is in conquering one's own tongue. He is born-evil, O' Uddhava whose tongue conquers him! Penance O Uddhava, is in remembering My Names (Naama-smarana). Misfortune O' Uddhava is not having my Name on the mouth! Strongest of the strong O' Uddhava, is one who has conquered his mind. He is an unmanly neuter O' Uddhava, who runs where his mind takes him!


लाभतोजाणरेउद्धवा l नित्यभगवद्भक्ति
अलाभतोजाणरेउद्धवा l नित्यविषयासक्ति ll
सत्यतेजाणरेउद्धवा l समब्रह्मादेखणे
असत्यतेंचिरेउद्धवा l जोदेहमीम्हणे ll
वाचासत्यअनुवादणे l तेंलोकसत्य
समब्रह्मानदेखणे l तेंअलक्ष्यनिर्धूत ll
उत्तमधर्मतोचिरेउद्धवा l निजधर्मज्यागांठी
अधर्मतोचिरेउद्धवा l धनलोभीयादृष्टि ll
पावनयज्ञतोचिरेउद्धवा l द्विजमुखींअर्पे
अधमयज्ञतोउद्धवा l लोभावरीसमर्पे ll

Benefit O' Uddhava, is in My Bhakti. Loss, O' Uddhava is in attachment to worldly pleasures. Truth, O' Uddhava, is in seeing Me i.e. God in one and all. Falsehood O' Uddhava is in referring to the body as oneself! Standing by the truth, O' Uddhava is Moksha. Eternal drowning in the worldly ocean O' Uddhava is for one doesn't see Me in one and all! The greatest Dharma, O' Uddhava is in adhering to one's own duties. Adharma, O' Uddhava, is in greed for wealth! A sacred sacrifice O' Uddhava is one offered by the Brahmins. But that sacrifice gets polluted O' Uddhava, if offered with greed for worldly objects!


वरिष्ठलक्ष्मीतीजाणरेउद्धवा l सर्वभावींनिरास
अलक्ष्मीतेरेउद्धवा l ज्यासीआशापाश ll
भाग्यतेजाणरेउद्धवा l वैराग्यबाणे
अभाग्यतेंचिरेउद्धवा l जोदेहींमीम्हणे ll
ईश्वरतोचिरेउद्धवा l ज्यासीसर्वसत्ता
अनीश्वरतोचिरेउद्धवा l ज्यासीस्त्रीआधीनजीविता ll
पवित्रतोचिरेउद्धवा l कर्मींब्रह्मप्रीति
अपवित्रतोचिरेउद्धवा l कर्मींबद्धप्राप्ति ll
पंडिततोचिरेउद्धवा l जोदेहअहंताछेदी
मूर्खतोचिरेउद्धवा l देहअभिमानीबुद्धि ll

The greatest wealth O' Uddhava, is in sacrificing desire. Penury, O' Uddhava, is in desire! Fortune, O' Uddhava, is detachment. Misfortune O' Uddhava, is in body-consciousness. God O' Uddhava is I, who governs all! Ungodly, O' Uddhava, is he who out of lust, is in control of women! Sacred O' Uddhava is karma performed with Love for God. Unholy O' Uddhava, is karma which results in bondage! He is a scholar O' Uddhava whose body-consciousness has dissolved. He is a fool, O' Uddhava, who is attached to the body.


संन्यासीतोचिरेउद्धवा l सर्वसंकल्पत्यागी
परगृहींतोचिरेउद्धवा l मोहममताअंगी ll
स्वर्गतोजाणरेउद्धवा l नित्यसंगसंती
नरकतोजाणरेउद्धवा l नित्यअधर्मींवृत्ति ll
सखातोजाणरेउद्धवा l स्वयेंसद्गुरुराव
वैरीतोजाणरेउद्धवा l देहीअहंभाव ll
दरिद्रीतोजाणरेउद्धवा l ज्यासीलोलुपचित्तीं
कृपणतोचिरेउद्धवा l द्रव्यदाराआसक्ती ll
एकाजनार्दनीकवित्व l चित्तींचैतन्यगोड
एकींएकहीधरिता l पूर्वीसर्वहीकोड ll

He is a Sannyasi O' Uddhava, who has done away with desire. He is a beggar O' Uddhava, who is subject to attachments and has feelings of "me and mine" thereof. Heaven O' Uddhava is in company of the saintly. Hell O' Uddhava is in unrighteous instinct. The real friend, O' Uddhava is the Guru himself. One's enemy O' Uddhava, is his own ego! Poverty O' Uddhava is in a heart filled with greed! Uncharitable O' Uddhava, is he who is attached to his wealth and family." Says Eknath, the disciple of Swami Janardana, this poem will enlighten one's heart. With the Knowledge of the all-permeating Self, all karmas of the past shall stand wiped out!

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