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December 16th 2012: It was about the time the sun had positioned low in the western sky to call it a day. My eyes swayed between my wrist watch and the western sky. I was accompanied by my other half, Sailaja, in my small car that kept on speeding on the familiar kind of gravel laid rural road. I was speeding because I had to reach my destination before it grew dark. She kept a control over my speed driving especially on such a road with frequent warnings to slow down. I was late owing to some other preoccupation. My heartbeat grew louder and faster. Oh God if there had been something, we never knew, that could stop the flow of time. At last, the man in the paddy field who was reaping his crop pointed to a distant structure and said “Look at that compound having a house. That is what you are looking for.” Yes my esteemed readers it was my today’s destination, a long standing structure – “GOPAL ATA’S THAN” at Old Bhawanipur, somewhat three kilometers westward from the main Chowk of Bhawanipur at NH 37 of Barpeta District. What feelings did stirred our emotions at that moment when we arrived at the main gate of the compound; we just cannot express it in words. It’s a beautifully placed area amid paddy fields with a soothing, divine serenity that can make your mind and soul free of all anxieties. ... more

Nataraj Das Dec 21 '12 · Comments: 7

Srimanta Sankaradeva is regarded as the “Jagatguru”(Lord of the Universe) and “Mahapurush”(the great man or super human being) by the Assamese people. In fact he was the greatest Vaishnavite saint of Assam. Sankaradeva was responsible for ushering into Assam a wave of the new Vaishnavite(Bhakti) movement which flooded practically the whole of India.... more



             মহাপুৰুষ শ্ৰীমন্ত শঙ্কৰদেৱে প্ৰৱৰ্ত্তন কৰা নৱ-বৈষ্ণৱ ধৰ্মৰ ধৰ্মীয় অনুষ্ঠান দুটিৰ এটি হৈছে নামঘৰ আৰু আনটি হৈছে সত্ৰ। আমাৰ আলোচ্য বিষয় হৈছে নামঘৰ। শঙ্কৰদেৱৰ ধৰ্ম প্ৰচাৰৰ কেন্দ্ৰস্হল হৈছে এই নামঘৰ। এই নামঘৰক কেন্দ্ৰ কৰিয়েই গুৰুজনাৰ প্ৰৱৰ্ত্তিত ‘একশৰণ হৰি নামধৰ্ম’ বা ‘ভাগৱতী ধৰ্ম’ ই হিন্দু সমাজত প্ৰচাৰ আৰু প্ৰসাৰতা লাভ কৰি বৰ্ত্তি থাকিবলৈ সক্ষম হৈছে। গুৰজনাই প্ৰথমে নগাঁৱৰ বৰদোৱা(বটদ্ৰৱা) ত নামঘৰ প্ৰতিষ্ঠা কৰিছিল। ক্ৰমে অসমৰ সৰ্বত্ৰতে তেখেতৰ আদৰ্শৰে নামঘৰ গঢ় লৈ উঠে। নামঘৰত সাধাৰণতে চাৰিটা  প্ৰধান অংশ বা ঘৰ থাকে। এইকেইটা হৈছে – নামঘৰ বা কীৰ্ত্তন ঘৰ,মণিকূট,ছোঁ ঘৰ আৰু বাটচ’ৰা। ... more

Laksheswar Hazarika Jul 29 '12 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 1

One GOBINDA ATOI, a disciple of Mahapurusha SriSri Madhabdeva at Barpeta Sattra, once at midnight, was bitten by a deadly poisonous Cobra. For Gobinda Atoi a Bez (a knowledgeable person who treats patients with locally available herbal medicines in traditional way) was uncalled for and he resorted to NAAM KIRTAN, the Holy holistic way to recover himself from the effects of snakebite. Miraculously Gobinda Atoi got a speedy recovery from this dangerous state through prayer and recital of Holy Songs (NAAM KIRTAN) of God. Later when Gobinda Atoi once visited HEREMAD, people there reported to the king about the incident of snakebite and how Gobinda Atoi had recovered himself from the effect of snake poison. The King Heremeswar then played a trick. ... more

Nataraj Das Jul 14 '12 · Comments: 2
ধ্ৰুং ।। ৰে সোই গোপাল পিয়াৰু মেৰি প্ৰাণ আধাৰু ।
মধুপুৰী ৰহে দহে জীউ হামাৰু ।।

পদ ।। গোকুলক মাণিক কানু নৱ নিধি ।
হাতে হৰল নিকৰুণ বঙ্ক বিধি ।।
চান্দ বিনে ৰয়নী সজনি কিছো নোহে ।
হৰি বিনে বিৰিন্দা বিপিন নাহি শোহে ।।

Translation of a Bargeet(Kharachandra Geet)

RAAG-Dhanashri,  Taal-Porital

DHRUNG-Re Hui Gupal Piyaru Meri Prano Adharu ।

Modhupuri Rohe Dohe Jiu Hamaru ।।

PODE-Gukuloko Maniko Kanu Nowa Nidhi ।

Hate Horolo Nikoruno Bangkobidhi ।।

Saando Bine Royoni Hojoni Kisu Nuhe ।

Hori Bine Birinda Bipino Nahi Huhe ।।

DHRUNG-Kodombo Toru Tole Nobino Nirodo
Rusiro Hundoro Syamo ।
Bhuwono Muhono Muruti Monuhoro
Kohitu Nahi Upamo ।।

PODO-Bhruwo Monuhoro Noyono Sansaro
Bowono Sando Ujuro ।
Hakhite Omiya Borikhe Pekhi Hokhi
Jiwono Narohe Muro ।।

Kotona Jotone Bidhi Niromilo
Hundoro Kanuko Rupo ।
Pekhite Labonyo Laje Bhoie Punu
Kuti Monomotho Supo ।।

Rotono Bhukhono Joise Niromilo
Gogone Tara Huhaiwo ।
Kohoiwo Madhav Hamari Rohu mono
Nanda Nandano Paiwo ।।
Translated by Prof William L. Smith

[Reproduced from https://atributetosankaradeva.org with thanks] 

Hail Krishna, Vishnu Achyuta, the Supreme Lord.

Mounted on the shoulders of Garuda, he struck down his


In his joyful lila the son of Devaki

carried off the parijata flower for the sake of his beloved.

Victory to Krishna.... more

Admin Feb 23 '12

Translated by Dr. Satyendranath Sarma

[Reproduced from https://atributetosankaradeva.org with thanks]

A complete translation of the above named play, minus its verse portions which are meant to be sung in appropriate rāgas, is given below. The verse portions are metrical renderings of the prose dialogue and Sutradhāra’s commentaries.... more

Admin Feb 23 '12

[Reproduced from https://atributetosankaradeva.org with thanks]

Jaya Guru Sankara / sarva-gunākara / 

yākeri nāhike upām:
Tohāri caranaka / renu satakoti /
bāreka karoho pranām.... more

Admin Feb 23 '12

The term nayika or heroine is widely used in the world of fine arts and the concept finds application in films, dance, painting & sculpture and drama.... more

mallika kandali Feb 19 '12 · Rate: 5

[Adapted from https://atributetosankaradeva.org with thanks] 

Chapter 'Haramohana' (2nd Kirttana)

 Namo Namo Madhava vidhira vidhidata

Tumi Jagatara gati-mati pita mata

Tumi paramatma jagatara esha eka

Eku bastu nahike tumaka byatireka-9

Tumi karya karana samasta sarasara... more

Admin Feb 8 '12

by Gauri Sankar Borah

Lord Krishna must have been the first to use the word Sarana (lit., shelter) for initiation in Geeta (18/66). But we feel that Srimanta Sankaradeva's use and application of it was quite his own. It is as appropriate as it is unique. ... more

Admin Feb 6 '12 · Rate: 5 · Tags: sarana, guru, deva, nama, bhakata

by Dr. Sanjib Kumar Borkakoti

Srimanta Sankaradeva (1449-1568 AD), the patron saint of the Assamese people was a social reformer besides being the founder of a new religious order Eka Sarana Nama Dharma. He used the tool of culture to preach his socio-religious ideology.... more

By Nagen Dutta

Four ways of reaching Truth, as recognized in Indian tradition are : Bhakti yoga, Karma yoga, Jnana yoga and Raja yoga. ... more

Admin Jan 26 '12 · Tags: bhakti marg
Dr Sanjib Kumar Borkakoti

Art is a way of expressing one’s ideas in aesthetically appealing forms. These include sculptures, paintings, masks, carvings, murals, illustrations etc. It was therefore quite natural that Srimanta Sankaradeva, the father of Assamese literature and culture used this medium to a large extent for his proselytizing activities.... more

by Nataraj Das

The Prelude:

 The Bhortaal Nritya is one of the unique creations of Barpeta Sattra.... more

Nataraj Das Jan 10 '12 · Comments: 4
 Dr Pona Mahanta

The history of regular Assamese drama and theatre began with Srimanta Sankaradeva (1449-1568 AD). He wrote and produced plays nearly five centuries ago when classical Sanskrit drama was at a low ebb and when Shakespeare was not even born.... more
Admin Jan 10 '12 · Rate: 4 · Comments: 1 · Tags: theatre, srimanta sankaradeva, ankiya play, bhaona, sutradhara

by Dr Sanjib Kumar Borkakoti

           The North East India was known for different ethnic conflicts when Srimanta Sankaradeva was born here in the fifteenth century. Those ethnic groups were Karbi, Ahom, Kachari, Chutiya, Naga, Manipuri Meitei, Koch, Mising,... more

পুৰুষোত্তম ঠাকুৰ 

জয় জয় বটদ্ৰৱা বৈকুন্ঠ দুতয়।

সেহি থানে নিজগুৰু ভৈলন্ত উদয়।।... more

Admin Dec 29 '11 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 1


The cultural assets created by Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva and Madhavadeva are precious. They are treasure house for Assamese community. Bargeet and Ankiya geet are two gems of that treasure.... more

by Hari Prasad Hazarika

The beginning of the twentieth century saw the onset of a different type of movement in Assam. It was a movement of search for truth, where some revolutionary intellectuals took the leadership.... more

Admin Dec 24 '11

by Dr Sanjib Kumar Borkakoti 

             Enactment of the Ankiya plays authored by Srimanta Sankaradeva and Madhavadeva is calledBhaona. Many plays have been written since then by different Assamese playwrights in the style of theAnkiya plays composed by these two doyens of Assamese literature and culture.... more

 by Dr Sanjib Kumar Borkakoti

     Srimanta Sankaradeva, the father of Assamese nation, was an extra-ordinary person, who excelled in almost all areas of knowledge. His contributions not only made the foundations of Assamese literature, culture and social structure, but also established the super-structures thereupon.... more

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